Keke Palmer used her platform as a public determine to come back to Chrisean Rock’s protection. The actor and performer commented underneath an Instagram publish via Hollywood Unlocked. The web page relayed {a photograph} shared via Blueface of his new child son’s genitals. It additionally shared a number of posts printed via Blueface’s supervisor, Wack100, accusing Rock of insufficient toddler care. Blueface has since claimed his telephone was once hacked amid the incident.
“This is so sad to me especially as a new mom. I didn’t wanna say nothing or involve myself on anything but my heart is breaking for all involved,” Palmer wrote. “This is exactly what maternal health care is about. It doesn’t matter how you feel about Chrisean before, now she’s a mother and for that baby she needs help and proper care! Why doesn’t anyone care about her or any of the other mothers that are struggling! She is just one but the face of many!”
Palmer inquired as to whether or not Rock has been receiving proper support. She called out the current crisis for black maternal health care.
“Being a mother has taught me if nothing else to think about someone other than myself and as a society we need to do better by our mothers. There is an epidemic in maternal health care needs for Black women! We have to do something or stop asking questions about the pipeline that leads our youngsters to the streets because they have nowhere else to go,” she added.
Rock took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to push back against Palmer’s comment, according to The Root. She had since deleted her disagreement and shared that both women had a private conversation on the matter. Rock added that Blueface is not involved in their child’s doctor’s appointments and that he will remain on the sidelines.
Rock has received public support from several women in entertainment during and after her pregnancy. Cardi B, Summer Walker, Sexyy Red and Snow Tha Product all expressed their support.
Palmer’s comment echoes high maternal mortality rates for Black women in the United States. The CDC reported that Black women suffered nearly 70 deaths for every 100,000 live births in 2021. This number is almost triple the number for white women.