Jude 1: 24
“Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault.”

Grace & Mercy
In this new year of life that God has graced me with, I have been in awe of God’s grace and mercy toward me. It is something I am learning NOT to take for granted at all.
What to do when we feel that like God has us is hidden? There are so many bible verses that speak to beauty in waiting silently for God and building trust in the person of God. That He will NOT fail us.
Honestly, it is God’s mercy that keep us hidden. He alone knows what is in front and ahead of us and if we can successfully handle it. Our heavenly Father loves us too much to mismanage our life or to purposefully withhold a blessing from us. It has to bless us and others in order for it to be a blessing. If it will constitute a distraction or limitation then God in his infinite mercy withholds these things from us. Isn’t our Father so loving and kind! It may not feel loving and kind in the moment but I am learning that hindsight is truly a wonderful thing.
It’s not over if we have not won and if God’s promises haven’t yet been fulfilled. Mind you it doesn’t mean it will be fulfilled how we want it to or that the fulfilment will look exactly as we want it to. But God gives us the grace and strength to tarry in His presence.
"For God alone my soul waits in silence and quietly submits to Him, for my hope is from Him" (Psalm 62:5).
Tarrying in His Presence
What does it mean to tarry? To be honest I am trying to understand it as well. That word can seem very cold to our hears but it must be close to our heart. We must be willing to tarry and wait on God. The song “QAVAH” by Abbey Ojomu is such a powerful song that I find that helps me understand the value of waiting on the Lord for strength.
God is faithful to showing up when we choose to wait on Him. He honors all invitations and will spend time with us. The greatest thing? We never leave God’s presence the same. We are renewed, strengthened and transformed and confirmed more into His image. It is hard, ain’t nobody said it was going to be easy but that’s also where God’s grace comes into play.
I love how God fathers us as His children. He knows how we are uniquely crafted. So your version and process of tarrying may be different from mine but best believe the goal and purpose is for us to get in tune with the heart and nature of our Father. How can we become what we don’t Know? How do we Know unless we spend time? See how everything is somehow related.
Until Christ be formed in us, we continue to tarry, we continue to Qavah and we continue to behold our beautiful savior, father and friend.
Dear Friend,
I hope you know that we are all recipients of God’s grace and mercy to one extent or the other. The extent and level to which we see and understand this is based on how our perspective is set and what our eyes are fixed upon.
If you have gotten to the halfway point and you are just tired and exhausted, let’s turn back to God and ask Him for His grace and the staying power to remain prostrate before His presence. To still desire and enjoy reading His word and lavishing in His presence. It takes strength and grace to do that. We could never do it on our own ability as it was meant to be. We need to do life with the Holy Spirit. It is readily available when we ask God to help us.
He is faithful and kind that He will answer us.
Wish you the very best in the second half of this year and I pray that God will help us to continue to enjoy and learn how to best utilize and celebrate God’s grace and mercy in our lives.
~ Toodles! ~

You can submit your testimonies as part of the Word of Our Testimony 2.0 project!
Mo 🙂